teenage thoughts and feelings
teenage thoughts and feelings

10 Things That Teenagers Want

teenage thoughts and feelings

"Always celebrate something: a new achievement, a new poem, a new hobby, a new dream." ~ Amelia Lee
Co-Founder, The Best In Singapore
Director, The Best In Singapore Education Division (over 31,000 of Singapore's most qualified and experienced home tutors)
Princeton University (Materials Science Engineering, PhD)

Teenage Thoughts And Feelings | Male Teenage Behaviour | Typical Girl Teenage Behaviour | Teenage Attitude And Behaviour Singapore

10 Things That Teenagers Want

The rankings of these helpful insights into the aspirations and behaviours of teens do not appear in any order of importance because the needs of  every teen and every parent is different.  

The editorial and writing teams from The Best In Singapore strive to be objective, unbiased, transparent, and to present different options for our readers to consider.

Our ages range from 19 to 66 years, so the content in our articles represents a variety of perspectives and life experiences.

Like you, we are everyday people who want to make our lives better, more fun, enhance our productivity, and to achieve our goals.

And here we are, sharing the knowledge and secrets that we found out!

1. Struggle with their identity – for instance, obsessing over their appearance

2. Feel awkward about their changing bodies

3. Switch between being overconfident and having poor self-esteem

4. Follow friends’ examples in clothing, attitudes, and activities

5. Find fault with their parents

6. Revert to childish behavior, such as slamming doors and crying

7. Frequent angry outbursts or extreme opposition to authority

8. Worry about insufficient time to finish all their academic tasks

9. Teenage girls

10. Teenage boys


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Does it seem as if you and your teenager live in different worlds?

Many parents find it hard to interpret their teens’ behavior.

Every teenager is different and has a unique personality.

Each person’s journey is unique, and life doesn’t come with a clear road map.

It’s not easy dealing with teenage behavior.

Do you remember your own teenage behaviour?

No matter how old your child gets, no matter what they say or do, they generally want to make their parents happy and proud – didn’t you?

Of course, teenagers don’t always get this right. And neither did we, when we were their age.

They may rebel against homework rules, and you’ll need to let them make their own choices of hobbies. They may have a lot of stress and need relaxing activities.

Your teenager doesn’t want to upset you, hurt you or make you feel sad. The truth is they need you now, as much as they did when they were your baby, just in a very different way.

When it comes to your teenager, no matter how amazing a parent you are or how fantastic your relationship with your children is, you are bound to run against parenting barriers.

However, if you are prepared to put out the effort to understand their needs and what they are going through, it will be easier to have a good relationship with them.

Whether or not they tell you, they would hope that you understand what they are going through:

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1. Struggle with their identity – for instance, obsessing over their appearance

You might also see your teen sleeping longer and may be eating more to keep up with the growth they are experiencing.

Many teenagers struggle with the idea of gaining weight when they are in their teens (or at any age, for that matter).

As many as 50% of females are dieting between ages 15 and 18.

Physical appearance and eating disorders are closely linked.

If your teen is eating too much or too little, starving herself, exercising more than needed, vomiting everything she eats, or constantly worries that she is fat or ugly, it can indicate serious problems like eating disorders, depression, and anxiety disorders.

They may have an unusual fear of becoming obese, even though their body weight is normal.

In this case, you may want to seek professional help from a primary care physician and a mental health provider, since these disorders can be serious and rarely resolve without treatment.

It’s also important to note that research suggests adolescence is a crucial stage when a positive or negative body image may be formed.

That’s why speaking to your child about body acceptance and forming healthy habits at this age can be helpful.

The circadian rhythm of many teenagers may cause them to stay up later at night and sleep later in the morning.

Teenagers’ sense of identity is based on who they hang out with.

If they seem to be spending more time with their friends instead of with you at home, it is because they want to fit in, which is typical teenager behavior. The problem is when your teen spends more time with people you do not approve of, or with people who you think can influence your teen negatively.

You may not like your teenager’s friends because of their appearance or because of their attitude.

If it is the appearance, remember that it is not always a good idea to judge a book by its cover.

Take the time to know your child’s friends before rejecting them.

If you think that you are not happy with your child’s attitude, you may want to bring that to your teenager’s notice in a subtle way.

Gently share your concerns in a non-judgemental way whilst telling your teenager that you trust them to make the right decision.

This will encourage them to review the friendships they are choosing and not feel forced into doing things they resent.

Remember that building a social network outside of the family unit is a normal part of a teenager developing more independence.

Your teenager is not talking to you as much as you would want him or her to.

But think about it, did you talk to your parents all the time as a teenager?

Probably not.

Also, your teen may seem to share more with her friends than she does with you.

While you may want to know about everything that happens in your child’s life, it is not reasonable to expect a teenager – or a grown adult child – to tell you everything.

If you force your teenager to tell you answer each of your interrogation sessions, they may end up fabricating stories to please you.

This is not what you want.

Accept that your teenager will not tell you everything.

However, do let them know that they must inform you about all of the important events of their lives as you are the guardian.

Emphasize that you’d like to know what’s happening in their life only because you care about them and want to make sure they are safe and happy.

It is also important to realize that the part of the brain that links emotions to communication is still developing in teenagers, so they may not be able to put words to what is happening for them.

During the times when they are feeling down, acknowledge it and offer them support.

This can be enough to help them want to be willing to share their thoughts and feelings with you.

Because not all of the physical connections in your teenager’s adolescent brain are fully formed, they might behave a bit erratically sometimes.

It can help to think of your teenager’s brain as a bit like a TV remote control.

Some of the more complicated functions don’t yet work and the basic buttons can be a bit hit-and-miss.

This can really help when it comes to your expectations of your teenager – especially when emotions are high.

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2. Feel awkward about their changing bodies

In adolescence, many begin to show more concern about their physical appearance.

This might be due to a combination of rapid and sometimes confusing or uncomfortable body changes.

The ‘rebellion’ bug, combined with the enthusiasm to experiment, can make your teen do a lot of things you may not understand.

One of them is a dramatic change in their appearance.

Your child may take to a specific style of dressing, may insist on having nothing but branded clothes, or may change their hairstyle without consulting you.

Girls may start using makeup, while boys may change their hairstyles and get tattoos.

They are also increasingly aware of how they’re perceived by peers.

As a result, you may notice that your child becomes more picky about their clothing, spends more time getting ready, and tries out a variety of different styles or looks within a short time.

The most important thing you can do as a parent is accept them as they are and help them do the same.

Teach them to embrace who they are and how they look.

This will help them deal with the pressures of looking ‘cool’ or ‘hot’ when they are in secondary school, polytechnic or junior college.

Unlike when your children were in kindergarten or primary school, getting your teenagers to dress like the way you want them to can be next to impossible.

Instead of rejecting their choices outright, try to indicate subtly that the “look” doesn’t seem so cool and give them better options they may like.

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3. Switch between being overconfident and having poor self-esteem

Teenagers can switch behaviour and mood so rapidly that we can lose sight of the fact that they physically don’t have a fully formed adult brain.

We talk to them like adults and expect them to respond like adults, but their brain doesn’t yet work like an adult brain.

They also might be thinking spiritually and know what it means to love another person.

Some teenagers are susceptible to a phenomenon known as the Personal Fable, which is this belief that they are invincible or that it is OK for them to take a particular risk because they believe they are special.

Teenage is the right time to introduce decision-making skills.

Teach them different ways in which an option can be evaluated or gauged to make the right choice.

Make sure that you do not, in any way, put them down or laugh at them for not being able to make a simple choice.

Also, avoid the temptation to make the choice for them.

If you offer too much advice, they may end up making the wrong choice just to be defiant or prove that they can make decisions too.

Teens are often confused and indecisive because of the physical and emotional changes they go through.

Whether it is something as simple as what to wear to the neighbourhood hawker centre or something as important as what university course to pick, your teenager may seem to have a tough time making a choice.

As a parent, it’s hard to watch your teenagers struggle with their problems – especially when you know you can help.

After all, you have already experienced a lot more than your teens have.

If only they would listen to you, you could easily give them the solutions they need.

Teenagers’ rejection of their parents’ advice can be baffling, stressful, hurtful and often worrying.

But in most cases, it does not mean there is anything more serious going on than the natural process of becoming an adult.

Many of the common behaviour issues that parents find hard are an essential part of puberty and growing up.

Surges of hormones, combined with body changes, struggling to find an identity, pressures from friends and a developing sense of independence, mean the teenage years are a confusing time for your child.

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4. Follow friends’ examples in clothing, attitudes, and activities

Teenagers may spend less time with their families and more time with their friends, or they might prefer to spend more time alone than they used to.

At this age, teens are sometimes developing short, intense love relationships.

For example, they might find someone they feel like they are totally in love with and then change their minds three weeks later.

Teenagers have to try to make sense of their confusing relationships, pressures and feelings even though they do not yet have the emotional skills, or the fully grown brain, to manage all of this.

This can cause their parents to categorize this as “bad behaviour”.

The behaviour can range from shouting, slamming doors, “talking back”, silence, or breaking rules.

Do remember that the world can be a scary place and teenagers don’t have the skills yet to work it all out.

Even if sometimes they might think they do!

You also should have regular discussions about who they are going with, where they are going, and how they are getting there.

You could even consider having your home become the space where your teen and their friends hang out.

Although you can give them some freedom and space in your home, they also should know you will be coming in periodically to refill the potato chips bowl so that you can have some idea of what they are doing.

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5. Find fault with their parents

It might seem like your teenagers don’t want to spend time with you.

Or, it might seem like whatever you do or say is annoying to them.

They may seem defiant and distant, and even detached at times.

Disrespectful behaviour is a common part of teenage development.

This phase usually passes.

Disrespect is a common part of teenage development, although not all teenagers are rude or disrespectful.

It happens partly because your child is developing, expressing and testing independent ideas and values, so there’ll be times when you disagree with each other.

Developing independence is a key part of growing up.

It’s a good sign that your child is trying to take more responsibility.

But your child is also still learning how to handle disagreement and differing opinions appropriately.

Your child’s moods can change quickly too.

Because of the way teenage brains develop, your child can’t always handle changing feelings and reactions to everyday or unexpected things.

And this can sometimes lead to over-sensitivity, which in turn can lead to grumpiness or rudeness.

Teenage brain development can also affect your child’s ability to empathise and understand other people’s perspectives, including yours.

Sometimes disrespectful behaviour might be a sign that your child is feeling stressed or feeling anxious.

Also, your child is trying to balance their need for privacy with your need to stay connected and show you care.

So sometimes you might get a rude or disrespectful response because your child feels you’re too interested in their life or activities.

Teenagers are also starting to think and feel more deeply about things.

Some young people seem to have a conflicting and radical view on everything, and they might question previously-held beliefs.

This shift to deeper thinking is a normal part of development too.

And sometimes, teenagers are disrespectful because they think it might be a way to impress others, or because they’ve seen their friends behave this way.

No matter how grumpy or cross your child gets, your child still values time talking and connecting with you.

You just might need to be a little more understanding if your child is short-tempered or changeable.

It can help to remember that this phase will usually pass.

You can avoid or handle disrespect with positive communication, strong relationships and clear family rules.

It’s best to avoid arguing, being defensive and nagging.

Avoid nagging your teenager – they often tune out and stop listening, and this generally only increases your frustration.

Your teenager may get angry with you often and for reasons that are incomprehensible.

They may become argumentative and talk back more than they did when they were in primary school or in kindergarten.

Understand that anger is a normal human emotion, and it is common among teens – and adults.

However, if they don’t channel their anger properly, it can become aggression and result in violence, which can be dangerous to them and others.

Difficult behaviors are not harmful by themselves, but they can strain the relationship you have with your teen.

Older teenagers know that adulthood is not far away, so they will start to show more independence and engage in less conflict with their parents.

They also will begin making decisions with that independence in mind.

However, their choices may not always feel like the right ones to their parents.

Teenagers sometimes weigh the opinions of their peers over that of their parents.

They won’t always recognize the consequences of their decisions, but parents should be a lighthouse providing steady ray of light that guides teens toward safe harbor.

In other words, parents should set limits but allow their children to test the waters as long as their choices are not life-threatening ones.

Make sure you are giving them factual information without using scare tactics.

Instead, educate them on the risks as well as communicate your expectations.

Talk to your teenager calmly and explain why they shouldn’t be indulging in risky behaviour.

Avoid an accusing tone when you bring up the issue, and try to be friendly.

Parents often react to an angry, shouting teen by shouting back.

Avoid the temptation to be louder than your teen and “win” the argument, because that does not always fetch the desired results.

In fact, your teen may feel pushed to a corner and become even more aggressive when you try to dominate him.

The only way to calm an angry teen is to be calm.

Find ways to control your anger and listen to what your teenager has to say.

Avoid arguments as far as possible and let your teen vent out all the anger.

Once they run out of things to say, they will calm down.

Encourage them to talk to you when there is a problem instead of bottling it up or hiding the problem from you.

Teach them healthy ways to express anger rather than being aggressive or violent.

It’s also helpful to remember that their anger is often based on fear that they’re losing control.

Often, without realising, we can get stuck in a cycle of reacting in the heat of the moment as our children push our buttons.

if an argument feels out of control, explain to your teen that you are going to walk away and come back again in half an hour in order for things to calm down.

Teenagers are more likely to be reasonable and respond positively in a calm discussion.

If heated arguments happen regularly, and your teenager finds it difficult to control their frustration or anger, it may be helpful for them to seek support from a counsellor or a trusted adult.

This person may offer an independent or unbiased view and recommend new ways to deal with the anger.

The way teens handle their anger may depend a lot on how their parents behave when angry.

Therefore, parents must become role models and watch their body language and tone.

Allowing your teenager to release their emotions and stresses actually helps them to build a healthy adult brain – one that can make sense of the world and understand right and wrong.

It will set your child up to have healthy relationships in the long run.

This just goes to show that your teenager still needs you – and the boundaries you set!

Teenagers may also be short-tempered as they naturally begin to seek privacy and independence.

They’re discovering their identity yet often feel frustrated by their lack of independence. This sometimes leads to a poor attitude and risky teenage behaviours.

They may begin spending more time with their peers or lock themselves in their room away from their parents.

Teenagers often feel like their lives are out of their control and that their freedom is always being limited.

Family rules can set clear and reasonable expectations about behaviour.

If you can, involve all family members in the discussions about rules.

Try to keep the rules positive.

For example, instead of saying “Don’t be rude” you could say, “We treat each other with respect”.

As far as possible, make the boundaries apply to you (as the parent) too.

Children are more willing to abide by the rules when they apply to the parents as well as to the children.

When you set rules with your teens, they will be much more likely to go along with them.

And you know what’s even better?

You won’t have to struggle with the issue of how to deal with teenage attitude.

Your child is an individual and needs to know that they’re valued, accepted and respected for who they are.

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Our readers to go their own doctors, counsellors and professors when they are seeking further information

6. Revert to childish behavior, such as slamming doors and crying

Your teenagers hate school and don’t have long-term academic goals (or other meaningful goals, for that matter).

When you tell them that there’ll be no video games until they finish their homework, they storm off and another fight breaks out between you and them.

Some teenagers may tend to behave rudely when they do not get their way.

Disrespect from a teen can take various forms, including eye-rolling, curses, insults, talking-back, name-calling, ignored requests, and sarcastic comments.

Being on the receiving end of such behavior can negatively impact both the parent and the child.

Hence, it is essential to address the issues.

Mood swings are common in teenagers, with them being happy sometimes and cranky the other times.

Anything and everything can trigger them, and they can go on endless tirades of how unfair you are.

Mood swings can also indicate depression sometimes.

Parents can distinguish between teen rebellion and mood swings, and depression by considering the severity and duration of the mood swings and the domains that are affected by these swings.

It is normal for teenagers to be moody, because of the hormonal changes they go through.

Whilst many teens appear to be of the same size as adults, they still often do not have the same lung capacity as adults.

This adds to the changes going on in their brains, making them feel tired easily.

Is your teen groggy in the mornings?

Do you find it hard to wake her up? 

It’s not his fault – and he is not being lazy.

Melatonin, the sleep inducing hormone, is released two hours later at night in a teen’s brain than in an adult’s brain, and also stays in the system longer.

So, a teen’s natural rhythm is to sleep and wake late.

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7. Frequent angry outbursts or extreme opposition to authority

As teenagers mature, they are presented with new experiences.

The way teenagers’ brains develop means that they may feel emotions very intensely, and they often do not yet have adequate coping tools to deal with their feelings.

As a result, teenagers can often be very sensitive, self-conscious, and experience a range of emotions that at times can be overwhelming.

These feelings are then often expressed by being argumentative or disrespectful towards others.

Some teenagers are rebellious.

They may not always want to do what you tell them to and would want to see the extent to which they can defy you.

Make the consequences clear if they defy the rules, and enforce them.

Your teenager will know that you are serious about the rules, and that will instill a sense of discipline in them.

You can establish and maintain a better relationship with your teen when you involve them in setting rules and punishments.

This way they would clearly know what they are in for, if they go out of bounds.

The most effective boundaries or rules are those that are fair and reasonable, and can be applied consistently.

Aim to set clear, fair boundaries but also try to be understanding of your teenager’s needs and feelings.   

Back yourself by being consistent with your approach to consequences and applying them each time rules are broken.

Remember that as your teenager gets older, it is normal for them to want more independence.

This is part of them getting ready to leave home, so try not to take their behavior personally and remember this is part of what they need to do.

Teens experience many stressful events and transitions that are difficult for them to handle on their own.

A troubled teenager would exhibit loss of interest in everyday activities; increased anger, frustration, sadness or tearfulness; feelings of helplessness; moodiness; irritability; intolerance of others; decreased sleep and appetite; and self-harming behavior.

Signs of depression, including prolonged sad mood, major changes in appetite, increasing social isolation, and thoughts of death.

Emotional periods and challenging behaviours should not last more than a few days; if feelings of sadness, anxiety or frustration are continual then you should speak to your teenager about your concerns.

If you notice any of these behaviors in your teen, seek professional help for input and advice.

Sometimes the challenges teens are dealing with have an underlying medical or mental health issue at the root.

Trust your instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s worth looking into.

Check your understanding.

Sometimes teenagers are disrespectful without meaning to be rude.

You could say something like, “That comment came across as pretty offensive. Did you mean to behave rudely?”

Give descriptive praise when your child communicates in a positive way.

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8. Worry about insufficient time to finish all their academic tasks

While some teenagers do not need to be reminded to do their chores, complete their homework, or save their money, others struggle to even get themselves out of bed on time or to understand the content taught by their school teachers.  

One challenge many teenagers face is being over-scheduled, which is not necessarily good for their development.

They need free time to pursue their own hobbies and interests as well as time to rest and relax without expectations.

During this time, they might prefer to unwind by watching YouTube or Netflix, reading books/manga, playing video games, or even scrolling through social media. 

At this age, there are two common reasons parents may be concerned for their teen.

You may worry that your child is not succeeding academically.

Slipping grades might be displayed through lack of organization or being disengaged from the learning process.

Self-confidence around learning could also be a contributing factor.

The first step is to discuss your concerns with your teen’s teachers.

They might be able to offer up different perspectives and provide resources.

All teenagers are different.

But many enjoy spending their free time doing things like shopping, going to parties, being with friends, gaming and using social media, texting, watching movies, reading and going to the beach or park.

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9. Teenage girls

Girls in their teenage years are vulnerable emotionally and physically, and can be influenced by the internal stressors like hormone changes and external stressors like peer pressure and academic pressure.

Understand that it is as difficult for your daughter to be a teen, as it is for you to be a teen’s parent.

The differences in the level of physical development among sexes are more apparent around age 16.

Females, who are likely almost done growing and developing, are starting to slow down in physical development, while males are sometimes just getting started.

Teenage girls are exposed to a number of stress factors that put them at the risk of developing eating disorders, or anxiety problems.

Eating disorders in teenagers may cause weakness, constipation, bloating, delayed puberty, irregular periods, and irregular heartbeat.

Counsellors have found that children learn frustration tolerance through relationships with primary caregivers and trusted adults.

Therefore, you might try exhibiting empathy and collaboration with your child when they are feeling frustrated. This may allow child to be more receptive to your advice, guidance, or listening ear when your teenaged daughter needs you.

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10. Teenage boys

At 16, a female’s body may very much replicate an adult female body while a male might still be developing and may notice more height growth and further development of facial hair.

Adolescent boys at this age can also be expected to gain weight as well as experience a redistribution of fat patterns.

Boys tend to repress their feelings and not talk about them.

In fact, a lot of teenage boys look at discussing their emotions as a sign of weakness.

Recklessness is yet another trait that teenage boys have.

Verbal aggression is considered to be a typical adolescent behavior, particularly in boys.

The cause may be a combination of significant hormonal changes due to puberty and a natural desire for more independence than was available in childhood.

This tension may cause teenagers to lash out by yelling, arguing, and using hurtful words.

While some level of verbal aggression is typical, if the behavior becomes abusive or escalates into a physical attack, you may need to seek help.

It can be harmful to allow abnormal aggression to get out of control.

A mental health professional like a therapist may be able to help prevent your teenager from becoming dangerous to themselves or others by identifying the underlying feelings or causes of this behavior and addressing them.

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Good behaviour in pre-teens and teenagers starts with positive communication and warm relationships.

This lays the foundation for guiding your child’s behaviour in a positive way.

A common mistake that parents do is trivialize what their teen is going through.

You may feel that your child is overreacting, but that will only make them feel misunderstood.

That can shut them off completely.

Avoid giving advice or diverting the topic.

Rather than brushing off their reaction, try to listen and empathize.

Let them talk about it and you may even be able to lead them to realize that the drama is not worth it.

If your teenagers are open to it, you can still guide and coach them. But do your best to listen more and speak less.

Avoid forcing your opinion on your teenagers, even if you think you know what’s best for them.

They’ll be more inclined to share their thoughts and feelings with you (without the bad attitude) if you listen rather than lecture.

Also, spend time with your teenagers one-on-one, and together as a family.

Your teens crave your love and support, even if they don’t express it.

They might begin to feel neglected if it appears that their other siblings or your work or hobbies are more important to you than they are.

If they feel this way, their behaviour will get worse.

So set aside regular time to spend with your teen, and ensure that your teen is available at that time too.

Use these opportunities to show that you care about your teen and about his or her interests and hobbies.

Over time, your teen’s confidence and self-esteem will improve, and so will the parent-teen relationship.

Quality time doesn’t have to be extravagant. A walk around the neighbourhood or an afternoon out for ice cream is all it takes to demonstrate that you enjoy spending time with your teen.

Research shows that youngsters with strong ties to their families engage in much less risky behavior than teens who feel unconnected to their families.

Experts also say that teens, who eat dinner regularly with their parents, participate in after-school activities and are not allowed to wander around late at night, have a significantly lower risk of becoming involved in risky situations.

Assurance of care and empathy may solve most teenage behavioral issues.

Being a teenager is not easy for your children – or for their parents.

But you can make this period in their life smoother by keeping the lines of communication open, as well as educating them about the challenges they may be dealing with.

Honesty is a trait that you should encourage your children to build.

Teach them to tell you the truth, by setting an example for them.

Have an open channel of communication with your children, which allows them to share anything and everything without hesitation.

When teenagers see their parents being truthful and honest about everything, including their parents’ own mistakes, they will learn to do the same.

Avoid being judgmental.

If you point out flaws in everything and correct every mistake they make, they may fear that you will never approve of them, and may stop sharing and communicating with you.

Talk about expectations, risks, and opportunities without shying away from tough topics such as their aspirations and difficulties in school.

Continue to strengthen your relationship with your teenager by showing interest in their life and praising accomplishments.

Let your teen fail sometimes, but make sure they have the skills they need to handle the discomfort that comes with failure.

It’s important to look after yourself too.

If you’re managing your stress and meeting your own needs, you’ll be better able to meet your child’s needs.

Friends and family can be a great source of support, as can parents of other teenagers.

The teenage years are a crucial part of development. It may not be all smooth, but experts agree the most beneficial thing for teens is to have a good relationship with their parents.

For this, parents need to be tolerant of their teenager’s behavior, to an extent, emphasise teens’ positive attributes, and, most importantly find new ways to communicate and connect.

Knowing how to handle teenage attitude can be stressful and exhausting.

Start applying the tips outlined in this article, and keep persevering.

As time goes by, your family life will be more harmonious, and your relationship with your teen will improve too.

Starting today!

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Largest Team Of Professional Tuition Teachers

Over 31,000 private tutors with proven track records. Choose from MOE teachers, tutors with PhD/Master's/Bachelor's/University undergraduates.

Start Tuition Tomorrow

We will show you between 4 to 10 tutor profiles within 12 hours. Each tutor is familiar with the latest exam requirements, newest changes to the syllabus, and the most effective answering techniques.

100% Committed To Help You Achieve Better Grades

Good reviews & feedback of our home tutors, by students of all academic levels & abilities. We retain tutors only if they can give clear explanations, are patient, and can help students score better grades.

Strict Shortlisting Process

You will receive profiles of tutors who have relevant tutoring achievements at your academic level, and who have majored in the subject that you are seeking tuition in.

Teenage Thoughts And Feelings | Male Teenage Behaviour | Typical Girl Teenage Behaviour | Teenage Attitude And Behaviour Singapore

Clear Explanations. Effective Exam Preparation Skills. Thorough Revision. 

Singapore's Most Professional Private Tutor Team Of Over 31,000 MOE Teachers, Tutors With PhD/Master's/Bachelor's/University Undergraduates.

Each tuition teacher has between 2 to over 30 years of successful track records in helping their students' grades improve.


Enter name here
Enter number here so that we are able to contact you through WhatsApp
Enter Subject(s) you would like to hire a tutor for (Eg: Secondary 2 Math and Geography)
Eg: Twice a week, 2 hours each lesson. Anytime on Mondays 5pm to 9pm, or Tuesdays 6pm onwards
Location for lessons. Eg: At my home near King Albert Park MRT station
Eg: $60/hr to $80/hr
Google, Facebook, Twitter, Student's school, Parent's Forum etc.


You can request for a tutor by submitting our online Request Form.

Upon receiving your request, we will Whatsapp you to discuss your child’s academic needs. We will spend the next few hours shortlisting several suitable tutors within our database and network for your consideration.

Our working hours are from 9am to 9pm, seven days a week.

Tuition usually commences within one week after you have selected a tutor.


The paid trial lessons can be 1.5 hours or 2 hours per session.


You just need to pay for the tuition session(s) that have been conducted. There will not be any extra charges for the change.


You can request to see the hardcopies of certificates of your tutor to be presented to you during the first lesson.

The client acknowledges that it is his/her responsibility to verify the suitability, credentials and qualifications of any tutor with whom he/she engages.


The Best In Singapore is Singapore’s leading private tuition agency and our matching service is free for students/parents requesting for tutors. This is because our agency commission is charged to the tutor, not to you.

The client will pay to The Best In Singapore half of the fees payable in the first 4 calendar weeks. This amount is the commission to The Best In Singapore for matching the tutor to the client, and will be borne by the tutor.

Thereafter, the client will pay the tuition fees directly to the tutor.

If lessons are postponed during the first two weeks, the commission payable to The Best In Singapore will be based on the tuition session conducted the subsequent week(s).

The tutor shall collect all fees due to the tutor from the parent after the two weeks. The Best In Singapore will not assist in any recovery of fees.


The client is required to pay tuition fees only for the number of hours of lessons given by the tutor.

If you decide to stop the tuition after the first lesson, you are required to pay for only that lesson.

Please transfer the fee for that lesson to The Best In Singapore and we will transfer the tutor’s fee to him/her.

Tutors are not authorized at any time to collect the payment on The Best In Singapore’s behalf.

Tuition fees are to be paid every 4 weeks to the tutor, unless otherwise agreed between the client and the tutor.


We will provide our bank account information for you to make payment via internet banking or ATM transfer directly to The Best In Singapore’s bank account.

If the client fails to pay us, The Best In Singapore reserves the right to terminate the Assignment. This is in fairness to the tutor, who might need to give the available slot to another client if this Assignment does not materialize.

Once the payment is received, it will be acknowledged in the form of a receipt, issued to the payer (Parent/Requestor/Guardian) via Whatsapp, sms, email or other electronic communications medium. We will also provide details of the Tuition Assignment that can include: tutor’s name, hourly fee, date of commencement of tuition, subject(s), level, duration of each lesson and frequency, etc.


Once the client accepts the tutor’s candidacy, the client will not be able to change the schedule of the First Lesson.

Clients are allowed to make changes in the schedule after the First Lesson is over. However, The Best In Singapore hopes that this is not necessary as the tutor has already reserved that slot of time for you.

If you want to make changes in the schedule, please consult with your tutor to ask if he/she is able to change the schedule or not.

The tutor is to bring his/her identity document, academic transcripts/certificates and relevant documents for the First Lesson for verification purposes.

If the tutor is unable to conduct the First Lesson of a tuition assignment, the tutor must call The Best In Singapore at least 3 business days before the actual lesson. If the tutor fails to notify The Best In Singapore of his/her cancellation/postponement, an administrative charge of S$30 will be imposed on him/her.

If the tutor fails to contact The Best In Singapore with a valid reason to inform us about the tutor’s absence from the lesson, the tutor’s profile at The Best In Singapore may be blacklisted. This will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


Tutors will conduct lessons at the student’s residence unless otherwise specified and agreed upon by both the client and the tutor.

If the client has a request for the tuition to be conducted at another location (eg a friend’s home), The Best In Singapore will ask if the tutor is able to accommodate the request.

The Best In Singapore and the tutor will not be responsible if the given location is occupied or not available for use for the lessons and the officially scheduled timings will still be counted as a paid lesson.


There is no obligation or contract to complete a fixed number of lessons, except for the First Lesson.

If at any time the client is not satisfied with the tutor, the client may request a replacement or termination. However, the client is responsible for paying the fee for the number of lessons given prior to termination.

The Best In Singapore will discuss separately with the client and the tutor regarding future tuition arrangements, and The Best In Singapore will change the tutor for the client. There will not be any extra charges for the change and the client needs to pay just for the tuition session(s) that have been conducted.

If the client cancels a tutoring assignment before the tutor completes the agreed number of lessons for the first 4 calendar weeks, The Best In Singapore assumes full claim to 50% of the tuition fees for the total number of lessons delivered in the month. For example, if the client had requested for 8 lessons per month, but the assignment was cancelled after the 5th session, The Best In Singapore will be paid pro-rated commission for the 5 lessons conducted.

The Best In Singapore will not be liable for any payment charges or issues arising from the cancellation of tuition assignments by the client.

If the client terminates the Assignment because the tutor is often late, skips lessons without valid explanations etc, the tutor will bear The Best In Singapore’s full commission fee.

If the tutor cancels the Assignment after confirming acceptance (that is, the client’s contact information and address have been given to the tutor), the tutor will need to compensate the commission which amounts to 50% of the fees payable (as stated in the confirmation Whatsapp, sms, email or other forms of electronic communications messages) for the first 4 weeks.

If the tutor wishes to cancel a Tuition Assignment before the end of the first 4 calendar weeks, the tutor is to inform both The Best In Singapore as well as the client at least 3 days before the next lesson date. The Best In Singapore will recover our legal share of the one-time commission of 50% of the fee for the first 4 calendar weeks from the tutor. Tutors are encouraged to have a long-term commitment as the clients have vested their trust in them.


The tutor will receive full or pro-rated payment for the number of lessons rendered, provided the tutor has complied with the Terms of this Agreement.

The client has the right to terminate the tuition if the tutor is unable to produce the documents certifying his/her credentials. In such cases, the tutor has to pay The Best In Singapore the amount of money equivalent to the tuition fee for the day, as commission.


The Best In Singapore is Singapore’s leading private tuition agency in Singapore. While we try to provide clients and tutors with the closest tutor match possible, we cannot guarantee a satisfying match. We hold no responsibility or liability for problems, unhappiness, or disputes that are a result of the tutor or client.

The Best In Singapore will not act as an arbitrator for any disagreements that arise between tutor and client.

However, The Best In Singapore may try to mediate whenever possible and reserves all rights to blacklist any party who is at fault. The Best In Singapore also reserves the right to terminate or deny services to any client or tutor (actual or potential) at any time.


Users shall indemnify The Best In Singapore, our subsidiaries, content contributors, sources, affiliates, officers, shareholders/directors, agents or other partners and employees, from all costs and expenses, claim, liabilities, (actual or consequential) of every kind and nature known and unknown, arising out of any use of the Website or Services.

Users acknowledge that The Best In Singapore is not liable for direct, indirect, consequential or any other form of loss or damage that may be suffered by any users through the use of the website including loss of data or information or any kind of financial or physical loss or damage.


References to “Our”, “Us”, “We” and “The Best In Singapore” shall be references to The Best In Singapore.

References to “You”, “Your” and “Users” shall mean references to user(s) visiting this web site, as the context requires, for any reason regardless of whether you have a registered account.

References to “Tutor” or “Tutors” shall be references to user(s) who have registered. He/She has explicitly stated his/her interest in receiving tutoring assignments.

References to “Client”, or “Clients” shall be references to user(s) who formally makes a request to engage The Best In Singapore’ services. He/She has explicitly stated his/her interest in hiring a tutor from us.

“First Month” refers to the first 4 weeks of active lessons, and is not based on the calendar month.

“Commission” refers to the amount The Best In Singapore levies for a successfully matched tuition assignment.


At the point of time which the contact details of the client or tutor(s) are given to either party, The Best In Singapore reserves all rights to collect the full commission. This is regardless of whether the tuition cancelled or postponed.


In view of the implementation of the recent Personal Data Protection Act, we require your explicit consent to contact you for tuition related matters. The client and the tutor explicitly agree to The Best In Singapore and our network contacting you via Whatsapp, phone call, sms and/or other electronic communications channels to conduct tuition matches. By registering with The Best In Singapore you have given us explicit consent to contact you through various electronic media, including Whatsapp, calling, and sms, etc.

The Best In Singapore is the leading private tuition agency in Singapore, and we have placed thousands of reliable tutors with students at all academic levels and subjects, across Singapore.

Our experience in knowing what works and what does not ensures that all you need to do is let us know your requirements and preference.

Tutor matching is free, and the referral fee is charged to the tutor.

Most of our tutors have been a part of our network for many years. Semester after semester, they guide our students through unexpectedly difficult exams, projects or assignments.

As Singapore’s leading private tuition agency, we are able to immediately tap on our expertise and network to recommend reliable and experienced professional tutors to you.

Tuition can start within this week.

Our expert tutors can help your child organize their time, prioritize the different assignments and sequence of knowledge, and develop critical thinking and time management skills.

Learn the correct study skills and academic content from Singapore’s leading private tuition agency.

While learning the content is very important to scoring higher grades, the attitude of tutors and their students plays a major role.

As Singapore’s leading private tuition agency, we are particularly careful about compatibility, because your child has no time to waste when you want to prepare him or her for better academic performance.

The Best In Singapore has a team of qualified tutors who specialize in teaching university and polytechnic level modules, for undergraduate students who need private tuition and are studying at NUS, NTU, SMU and universities with a presence in Singapore.

We are able to recommend the ideal tutor to you because the The Best In Singapores in Singapore have joined our team.

The Best In Singapore is Singapore’s largest private tuition agency.

Copyright © The Best In Singapore

Tutors: Please ensure that you have registered at https://thebestinsingapore.org/register-with-us-the-best-singapore/#registertuitionteacher

We are not able to accept any tutor registrations through this Hire Tutors form. Thank you.

Teenage Thoughts And Feelings | Male Teenage Behaviour | Typical Girl Teenage Behaviour | Teenage Attitude And Behaviour Singapore

Hire The Best Home Tuition Teachers In Singapore With The Best In Singapore

Over 31,000+ Of Singapore's Best Tutors

Hire from over 31,000+ of Singapore's best home tuition teachers with The Best In Singapore today!

Professional Tutors And Agency

The Best Singapore is the best tuition agency in Singapore because we have the most qualified and well trained tutors

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