causes of teenage stress
causes of teenage stress

13 Ways To Better Understand Your Teenagers

causes of teenage stress

"Always celebrate something: a new achievement, a new poem, a new hobby, a new dream." ~ Amelia Lee
Co-Founder, The Best In Singapore
Director, The Best In Singapore Education Division (over 31,000 of Singapore's most qualified and experienced home tutors)
Princeton University (Materials Science Engineering, PhD)

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13 Ways To Better Understand Your Teenagers

The rankings of these helpful insights into the aspirations and behaviours of teens do not appear in any order of importance because the needs of  every teen and every parent is different.  

The editorial and writing teams from The Best In Singapore strive to be objective, unbiased, transparent, and to present different options for our readers to consider.

Our ages range from 19 to 66 years, so the content in our articles represents a variety of perspectives and life experiences.

Like you, we are everyday people who want to make our lives better, more fun, enhance our productivity, and to achieve our goals.

And here we are, sharing the knowledge and secrets that we found out!

1. Create A Trusting Relationship

2. Empathize

3. Respect Them

4. Offer Help

5. Show Them You Care

6. Be a role model

7. Set clear family rules about behaviour and communication

8. Focus on your child’s behaviour and how you feel about it

9. Look after yourself

10. Help your child beat exam stress

11. Give your child responsibility

12. Praise your child

13. Learn to live with mistakes


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There’s a dramatic change between how teens behave at 13 years old compared to at 19 years old.

Yet it happens so gradually that you might not even recognize your teen transforming into an adult right in front of your eyes.

Thirteen-year-old teens are finishing up one phase of life, leaving childhood behind, and entering another one – becoming a teen.

The transition to adulthood is filled with challenges, as 19 year olds have been finding out.

Between the ages of 13 to 19, your child is no longer simply thinking about their own life.

They are starting to consider how the entire world works and how their life fits into it.

If there is one constant about the teenage years, it is change.

It’s not just the obvious physical changes – adolescence is a period of rapid development for your child’s brain too.

The part of the brain involved in self-control, the frontal cortex, isn’t fully developed until people are well into their twenties.

This means that teenagers can face challenges in self-management and decision-making.

All this comes with a host of pressures and expectations at home, at school and with friends.

Some teenagers seem to take most things in their stride.

For others it can be a time of stress, insecurity and confusion.

Teenagers may not be exactly sure why they are acting the way they are, so they can’t always explain this or tell you what’s wrong.

According to Jay Giedd, a neuroscientist at the US National Institute of Mental Health, gray matter in the brain grows throughout childhood and peaks roughly the same time as puberty.

After that peak, gray matter thins, as unwanted and unused cells are eliminated.

Giedd calls it the “use it or lose it” principle; the cells that are being used thrive, while those that are not used are pruned.

It is a kind of sculpting in which the brain organizes itself into a smaller but more efficient organ.

Your adolescent will go through many ups and downs between puberty and the time that their brain is fully developed, usually in the early to mid-20s.

Therefore, expect to see your teen seeking more independence as they try to become more grown-up at a rate faster than they can handle.

Good behaviour in pre-teens and teenagers starts with positive communication and warm relationships. This lays the foundation for guiding your child’s behaviour in a positive way.

Here are some practical tips for putting this positive approach into action.

You can use these tips to promote positive behaviours in your teenager:

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1. Create A Trusting Relationship

Trust is important for any relationship. If you want your teenager to listen to you, or consider what you say, you should earn their trust.

Keep an open relationship where you share things with each other – when you share important things about your life and work, your teen will know that you trust him and is more likely to open up to you about his life.

It is best to build a strong connection with your child when she is in nursery or kindergarten.

This connection will help you maintain a warm and trusting relationship with her throughout her teenage years and adult life.

You would also want to show interest in what is happening in their life and celebrate their achievements.

Actively listening means paying close attention to what your child is saying, both with their words and their body language.

This lets you tune in to your child’s thoughts and feelings. And it shows your child that you care and are interested in them.

Encouraging healthy habits in diet, exercise and adequate sleep from the time they are attending nursery and kindergarten would also strengthen your relationship with them when they are teenagers.

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2. Empathize

Remember, you were a teenager once.

No matter how unreasonable your teen’s behavior may seem, try to imagine how they are feeling.

Put yourself in their shoes and understand their perspective.

When you reflect their feelings, they feel acknowledged and are willing to share their feelings, ideas, and opinions freely.

Even though you have more life experience, lecturing your child about how to behave is likely to turn them off listening.

If you want your child to listen to you, you might need to spend time actively listening to your child first.

Nagging isn’t likely to have much effect. It might increase your frustration, and your child will probably just switch off.

Pick your battles with your teenager

Before you get into conflict over your child’s behaviour, ask yourself, “Does this really matter?”’ and “Is this really worth fighting about?”

Less negative feedback means fewer opportunities for conflict and bad feelings.

If they only ever hear nagging from you, they’ll stop listening.

Overlooking minor issues, such as the clothes they wear, may mean you’re still talking to each other when you need to negotiate – or stand firm – with them on bigger issues, their career and academic choices.

Sarcasm will almost certainly create resentment and increase the distance between you and your child.

Your teen will appreciate that you have been listening to their concerns in a compassionate way and allowing your teenager to speak uninterrupted

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3. Respect Them

Do you want your teen to respect you?

Teach them about it by respecting them.

Fear or intimidation cannot earn you your teen’s respect.

Lead by example – respect their personality, ideas, opinions, and emotions.

Do not belittle them in front of their friends or even in private, and most importantly, do not trivialize or criticize their ideas or opinions as that can make them insecure as adults.

When you treat your children with respect, they will respond with the same respect towards you.

Arguing rarely works for parents or teenagers.

When we get angry, we might say things we don’t mean.

A more effective approach is to give yourself and your child some time to calm down.

If you’re angry or in the middle of an argument, it will be hard to discuss calmly what you expect of your child.

A more effective approach is to tell your child that you want to talk and agree on a time for a conversation.

Being defensive is very rarely useful.

Try not to take things personally.

It might help to remind yourself that your child is growing up and trying to assert their independence.

Sometimes challenging behaviours can also be a result of stressful or worrying events (e.g. a fight with a friend, an upcoming test, feeling that they don’t have the right clothes to wear).

Teenagers can challenge even the calmest of parents.

When you have further pressures in your life, such as other children, work, relationships, family commitments or illness, it can feel as though your teenager is going to push you over the edge.

Try to step back from the situation, and remember your teenager may have physiological reasons for behaving in ways that can be difficult to live with.

They’re probably not enjoying it either.

Avoid starting arguments – ignore little things like shrugs or the rolling of eyes if your teenager is otherwise behaving in an acceptable way.

Encourage them to talk about emotions or problems, and try to make sure there’s nothing they are particularly very stressed or worried about.

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4. Offer Help

Most teenagers can take care of themselves and may not need your help.

However, it is important to let them know that you are willing to help them should they need any.

Some teens may feel the need to do everything on their own and consider seeking help as a sign of inadequacy.

Help your children understand that not everyone can do everything, and it is okay to ask for help sometimes.

You could, alternatively, seek their help in small matters to make them feel involved.

When they see you seeking help, they will do so from you, too.

Solve problems together with your teenager and asking them if they would like to hear your opinion or advice before offering it to them.

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5. Show Them You Care

It might seem like your teenagers don’t want to spend time with you.

Or, it might seem like whatever you do or say is annoying to them.

Your teenager may see your discipline and strictness as hatred towards them and believe that you only want to make life difficult for them.

You can prevent your teenager from developing negative feelings towards you by showing that you care.

Tell them how much you love them and do little things to make them happy.

Show you are interested in what.

This will help keep communication channels open for when they really need to talk to you.

If there’s a lot of tension between you and your child, another trusted adult might be able to support your child. This can ease the strain.

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6. Be a role model

When you’re with your child, try to speak and act the way you want your child to speak and act towards you.

For example, if you swear a lot, your child might find it hard to understand why it’s not OK for them to swear.

It’s useful to remember that your own behaviour can improve or worsen an aggressive situation, so it’s important to be a good role model for your teen.

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Our readers to go their own doctors, counsellors and professors when they are seeking further information

7. Set clear family rules about behaviour and communication

For example, you could say, “We speak respectfully in our family. This means we don’t call people names”.

It’s a good idea to involve your child in discussions about the rules.

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8. Focus on your child’s behaviour and how you feel about it

Avoid any comments about your child’s personality or character.

Instead of saying, “You’re rude”, try something like, “I feel hurt when you speak like that to me”.

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9. Look after yourself

Give yourself permission to relax or even treat yourself occasionally

Talk about your concerns to your partner or friends, or join a support group or forum

Learn techniques for coping with low mood sadness and depression or anxiety.

If you’re concerned that you’re depressed, anxious or stressed, talk to a doctor.

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10. Help your child beat exam stress

Tests and exams can be a challenging part of school life for children and young people and their parents or carers. But there are ways to ease the stress.

Watch for signs of stress

Children and young people who are stressed may:

  1. Worry a lot
  2. Feel tense
  3. Have headaches and stomach pains
  4. Not sleep well
  5. Be irritable
  6. Lose interest in food or eat more than normal
  7. Not enjoy activities they previously enjoyed
  8. Be negative and have a low mood
  9. Feel hopeless about the future

Having someone to talk to about their work can help.

Support from a parent, tutor or study buddy can help young people share their worries and keep things in perspective.

Encourage your child to talk to a member of school staff who they feel is supportive.

If you think your child is not coping, it may also be helpful for you to talk to their teachers.

Try to involve your child as much as possible.

It is also important to make sure your child eats well

A balanced diet is vital for your child’s health, and can help them feel well during exam periods.

Some parents find high-fat, high-sugar and high-caffeine foods and drinks, such as energy drinks, cola, sweets, chocolate, burgers and chips, make their children hyperactive, irritable and moody.

Where possible, involve your child in shopping for food and encourage them to choose some healthy snacks.

Help your child get enough sleep.

Good sleep improves thinking and concentration.

Most teenagers need 8 to 10 hours’ sleep a night.

Allow half an hour or so for your child to wind down between studying, watching TV or using a computer and going to bed, to help them get a good night’s sleep.

Cramming all night before an exam is usually a bad idea.

Sleep will benefit your child far more than a few hours of panicky last-minute study.

Be flexible around exam time.

When your child is revising all day, do not complain about household jobs left undone or untidy bedrooms.

Staying calm yourself can help. Remember, exams do not last forever.

Make sure your child has somewhere comfortable to study.

Ask them how you can support them with their revision.

Help them come up with practical ideas that will help them revise, such as drawing up a revision schedule or getting hold of past papers for practice.

To motivate your child, encourage them to think about their goals in life and see how their revision and exams are related to them.

Remind your child that it’s normal to feel anxious.

Nervousness is a natural reaction to exams.

The key is to put these nerves to positive use.

If anxiety is getting in the way rather than helping, encourage your child to practise the activities they’ll be doing on the day of the exam.

This will help it feel less scary.

For example, this may involve doing practice papers under exam conditions or seeing the exam hall beforehand.

Help your child face their fears and see these activities through, rather than avoiding them. 

Encourage them to think about what they know and the time they’ve already put into studying to help them feel more confident.

Exercise can help boost energy levels, clear the mind and relieve stress. It does not matter what it is – walking, cycling, swimming, football and dancing are all effective.

Activities that involve other people can be particularly helpful.

Counsellors say many children who contact them feel that most pressure at exam time comes from their family.

Listen to your child, give them support and avoid criticism.

Before they go in for a test or exam, be reassuring and positive.

Let them know that failing is not the end of the world.

If things do not go well they may be able to take the exam again.

After each exam, encourage your child to talk it through with you.

Discuss the parts that went well rather than focusing on the questions they found difficult.

Then move on and focus on the next test, rather than dwelling on things that cannot be changed.

Together with your child, think about rewards for doing revision and getting through each exam.

Rewards do not need to be big or expensive.

They can include simple things like making their favourite meal or watching TV.

When the exams are over, help your child celebrate by organising an end-of-exams treat.

Some young people feel much better when exams are over, but that’s not the case for all young people.

Get help if your child’s anxiety or low mood is severe, persists and interferes with their everyday life.

Seeing a doctor is a good place to start.

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11. Give your child responsibility

Learning to handle responsibility is one of the biggest challenges of adolescence, and an important step towards becoming an adult.

Giving your child responsibility in certain areas – like letting them choose their own clothes or hairstyle – can help increase autonomy and independence.

It can also help you avoid battles over the little things.

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12. Praise your child

Descriptive praise and encouragement are powerful motivators.

When you notice and comment on your child’s responsible choices and positive behaviour, you encourage them to keep behaving that way.

Just remember that teenagers often prefer you to praise them privately rather than in front of their friends.

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13. Learn to live with mistakes

Everybody makes mistakes, and nobody’s perfect.

It’s all about how you deal with mistakes – both your own and your child’s – when they happen.

Taking responsibility for mistakes is a good first step, and then working out what you can do to make things better might be your next move.

Saying sorry to your child when you make a mistake helps to keep your relationship going well.

Your child will probably slip up and break the rules sometimes.

Teenagers and their brains are still under construction – they’re still working out who they are.

Testing boundaries is all part of the process, so it helps to be realistic about your child’s behaviour.

Teenage-hood is a tricky time. Teens are developing their sense of identity, yet they still feel powerless, confined by rules and schedules.

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If you find that your teen’s behavior has significantly changed, bring it to their notice without making it seem like it is their fault.

The part of the brain involved in self-control, the frontal cortex, isn’t fully developed until people are well into their twenties, which means that teenagers can face challenges in self-management and decision-making.

More often though, the causes are fairly common life experiences, worries and pressures which can still be very distressing for an individual teenager.

Finally, make sure you are discussing the future.

After all, in just a few short years they will be either going off to university, starting a new job, or even entering the military.

Make sure you take time to talk about all of their options.

There is not one future life path that’s the “best” for every teenager, but your child might need assistance in exploring all the options ahead of them.

Remember, young adulthood is just around the corner and you want your teen to be prepared for it.

Help them learn valuable life skills while they are still living under your watchful eye.

For instance, make sure they know how to prepare simple meals, do their own laundry, and maintain a budget.

Dealing with teenagers is not rocket science.

Building resilience in teenagers and the development of coping skills will help them to overcome difficult situations.

Having strong, positive relationships and spending time with your child is key to building resilience.

You can have a healthy relationship with your teenager if you are willing to be patient and put in the effort to understand and work with your child.

It’s important to look after yourself too.

If you’re managing your stress and meeting your own needs, you’ll be better able to meet your child’s needs.

Friends and family can be a great source of support, as can parents of other teenagers.

When trying to develop a stronger relationship with your child, it helps to know that your teens crave your love and support, even if they don’t express it.

They might begin to feel neglected if it appears that their other siblings or your work or hobbies are more important to you than they are.

If they feel this way, their behaviour will get worse.

So set aside regular time to spend with your teen, and ensure that your teen is available at that time too.

Use these opportunities to show that you care about your teen and about his or her interests and hobbies.

Over time, your teen’s confidence and self-esteem will improve, and so will the parent-teen relationship.

Quality time doesn’t have to be extravagant.

A walk around the neighbourhood or an afternoon out for ice cream is all it takes to demonstrate that you enjoy spending time with your teen.

And make sure to avoid lecturing or nagging during this quality time — quality time should be something you both look forward to!

The teenage years are a crucial part of development.

It may not be all smooth, but we are sure that you agree that the most beneficial thing for teens is to have a good relationship with their parents.

For this, parents need to be tolerant of their teenager’s behavior, to an extent, emphasise teens’ positive attributes, and, most importantly find new ways to communicate and connect.

Knowing how to handle teenage attitude can be stressful and exhausting.

Start applying the tips described in this article, and keep persevering.

As time goes by, your family life will be more harmonious, and your relationship with your teen will improve too.

Starting today!

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Hello 🙂 I am Amelia Lee, PhD – Princeton University, Materials Science Engineering.

I am one of the co-founders of The Best In Singapore, and I lead our Education Division comprising over 31,000 of Singapore’s most qualified and experienced home tutors.

Since 2012, we have established a strong track record of helping our students achieve better grades. You have probably heard about us from your school teachers, classmates, relatives or colleagues.

Getting into a good school and maintaining good grades is important for anyone who wants to do well in their chosen career – whether you plan to eventually work in Singapore, Asia, Europe or the United States.

Exams now require students to be able to remember large chunks of information, analyze complicated scenarios and then come up with appropriate answers.

The easier part of all these important tasks is probably the memorization of content from your textbooks. It certainly is more challenging to be able to correctly develop your higher-order thinking skills. Once you can do this, you will then need to apply the analyses are required by the increasingly difficult exam questions. Your school teachers are very good, but they are sometimes too busy to answer every question that you have.

In order to consistently achieve higher grades, you need appropriate guidance from exceptional home tutors who:

  1. Have proven track records of guiding their students to better understand and apply the complex information 
  2. Help you avoid careless mistakes
  3. Can identify what the exam questions really want you to do
  4. Are are able to give you valuable strategies to answer difficult exam questions

Choose tutors with proven track records today, so that your grades will improve in time for the coming major exams.

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Why The Best In Singapore Is Always The First Choice For Students And Parents

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causes of teenage stress

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Clear Explanations. Effective Exam Preparation Skills. Thorough Revision. 

Singapore's Most Professional Private Tutor Team Of Over 31,000 MOE Teachers, Tutors With PhD/Master's/Bachelor's/University Undergraduates.

Each tuition teacher has between 2 to over 30 years of successful track records in helping their students' grades improve.


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Our working hours are from 9am to 9pm, seven days a week.

Tuition usually commences within one week after you have selected a tutor.


The paid trial lessons can be 1.5 hours or 2 hours per session.


You just need to pay for the tuition session(s) that have been conducted. There will not be any extra charges for the change.


You can request to see the hardcopies of certificates of your tutor to be presented to you during the first lesson.

The client acknowledges that it is his/her responsibility to verify the suitability, credentials and qualifications of any tutor with whom he/she engages.


The Best In Singapore is Singapore’s leading private tuition agency and our matching service is free for students/parents requesting for tutors. This is because our agency commission is charged to the tutor, not to you.

The client will pay to The Best In Singapore half of the fees payable in the first 4 calendar weeks. This amount is the commission to The Best In Singapore for matching the tutor to the client, and will be borne by the tutor.

Thereafter, the client will pay the tuition fees directly to the tutor.

If lessons are postponed during the first two weeks, the commission payable to The Best In Singapore will be based on the tuition session conducted the subsequent week(s).

The tutor shall collect all fees due to the tutor from the parent after the two weeks. The Best In Singapore will not assist in any recovery of fees.


The client is required to pay tuition fees only for the number of hours of lessons given by the tutor.

If you decide to stop the tuition after the first lesson, you are required to pay for only that lesson.

Please transfer the fee for that lesson to The Best In Singapore and we will transfer the tutor’s fee to him/her.

Tutors are not authorized at any time to collect the payment on The Best In Singapore’s behalf.

Tuition fees are to be paid every 4 weeks to the tutor, unless otherwise agreed between the client and the tutor.


We will provide our bank account information for you to make payment via internet banking or ATM transfer directly to The Best In Singapore’s bank account.

If the client fails to pay us, The Best In Singapore reserves the right to terminate the Assignment. This is in fairness to the tutor, who might need to give the available slot to another client if this Assignment does not materialize.

Once the payment is received, it will be acknowledged in the form of a receipt, issued to the payer (Parent/Requestor/Guardian) via Whatsapp, sms, email or other electronic communications medium. We will also provide details of the Tuition Assignment that can include: tutor’s name, hourly fee, date of commencement of tuition, subject(s), level, duration of each lesson and frequency, etc.


Once the client accepts the tutor’s candidacy, the client will not be able to change the schedule of the First Lesson.

Clients are allowed to make changes in the schedule after the First Lesson is over. However, The Best In Singapore hopes that this is not necessary as the tutor has already reserved that slot of time for you.

If you want to make changes in the schedule, please consult with your tutor to ask if he/she is able to change the schedule or not.

The tutor is to bring his/her identity document, academic transcripts/certificates and relevant documents for the First Lesson for verification purposes.

If the tutor is unable to conduct the First Lesson of a tuition assignment, the tutor must call The Best In Singapore at least 3 business days before the actual lesson. If the tutor fails to notify The Best In Singapore of his/her cancellation/postponement, an administrative charge of S$30 will be imposed on him/her.

If the tutor fails to contact The Best In Singapore with a valid reason to inform us about the tutor’s absence from the lesson, the tutor’s profile at The Best In Singapore may be blacklisted. This will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


Tutors will conduct lessons at the student’s residence unless otherwise specified and agreed upon by both the client and the tutor.

If the client has a request for the tuition to be conducted at another location (eg a friend’s home), The Best In Singapore will ask if the tutor is able to accommodate the request.

The Best In Singapore and the tutor will not be responsible if the given location is occupied or not available for use for the lessons and the officially scheduled timings will still be counted as a paid lesson.


There is no obligation or contract to complete a fixed number of lessons, except for the First Lesson.

If at any time the client is not satisfied with the tutor, the client may request a replacement or termination. However, the client is responsible for paying the fee for the number of lessons given prior to termination.

The Best In Singapore will discuss separately with the client and the tutor regarding future tuition arrangements, and The Best In Singapore will change the tutor for the client. There will not be any extra charges for the change and the client needs to pay just for the tuition session(s) that have been conducted.

If the client cancels a tutoring assignment before the tutor completes the agreed number of lessons for the first 4 calendar weeks, The Best In Singapore assumes full claim to 50% of the tuition fees for the total number of lessons delivered in the month. For example, if the client had requested for 8 lessons per month, but the assignment was cancelled after the 5th session, The Best In Singapore will be paid pro-rated commission for the 5 lessons conducted.

The Best In Singapore will not be liable for any payment charges or issues arising from the cancellation of tuition assignments by the client.

If the client terminates the Assignment because the tutor is often late, skips lessons without valid explanations etc, the tutor will bear The Best In Singapore’s full commission fee.

If the tutor cancels the Assignment after confirming acceptance (that is, the client’s contact information and address have been given to the tutor), the tutor will need to compensate the commission which amounts to 50% of the fees payable (as stated in the confirmation Whatsapp, sms, email or other forms of electronic communications messages) for the first 4 weeks.

If the tutor wishes to cancel a Tuition Assignment before the end of the first 4 calendar weeks, the tutor is to inform both The Best In Singapore as well as the client at least 3 days before the next lesson date. The Best In Singapore will recover our legal share of the one-time commission of 50% of the fee for the first 4 calendar weeks from the tutor. Tutors are encouraged to have a long-term commitment as the clients have vested their trust in them.


The tutor will receive full or pro-rated payment for the number of lessons rendered, provided the tutor has complied with the Terms of this Agreement.

The client has the right to terminate the tuition if the tutor is unable to produce the documents certifying his/her credentials. In such cases, the tutor has to pay The Best In Singapore the amount of money equivalent to the tuition fee for the day, as commission.


The Best In Singapore is Singapore’s leading private tuition agency in Singapore. While we try to provide clients and tutors with the closest tutor match possible, we cannot guarantee a satisfying match. We hold no responsibility or liability for problems, unhappiness, or disputes that are a result of the tutor or client.

The Best In Singapore will not act as an arbitrator for any disagreements that arise between tutor and client.

However, The Best In Singapore may try to mediate whenever possible and reserves all rights to blacklist any party who is at fault. The Best In Singapore also reserves the right to terminate or deny services to any client or tutor (actual or potential) at any time.


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References to “Tutor” or “Tutors” shall be references to user(s) who have registered. He/She has explicitly stated his/her interest in receiving tutoring assignments.

References to “Client”, or “Clients” shall be references to user(s) who formally makes a request to engage The Best In Singapore’ services. He/She has explicitly stated his/her interest in hiring a tutor from us.

“First Month” refers to the first 4 weeks of active lessons, and is not based on the calendar month.

“Commission” refers to the amount The Best In Singapore levies for a successfully matched tuition assignment.


At the point of time which the contact details of the client or tutor(s) are given to either party, The Best In Singapore reserves all rights to collect the full commission. This is regardless of whether the tuition cancelled or postponed.


In view of the implementation of the recent Personal Data Protection Act, we require your explicit consent to contact you for tuition related matters. The client and the tutor explicitly agree to The Best In Singapore and our network contacting you via Whatsapp, phone call, sms and/or other electronic communications channels to conduct tuition matches. By registering with The Best In Singapore you have given us explicit consent to contact you through various electronic media, including Whatsapp, calling, and sms, etc.

The Best In Singapore is the leading private tuition agency in Singapore, and we have placed thousands of reliable tutors with students at all academic levels and subjects, across Singapore.

Our experience in knowing what works and what does not ensures that all you need to do is let us know your requirements and preference.

Tutor matching is free, and the referral fee is charged to the tutor.

Most of our tutors have been a part of our network for many years. Semester after semester, they guide our students through unexpectedly difficult exams, projects or assignments.

As Singapore’s leading private tuition agency, we are able to immediately tap on our expertise and network to recommend reliable and experienced professional tutors to you.

Tuition can start within this week.

Our expert tutors can help your child organize their time, prioritize the different assignments and sequence of knowledge, and develop critical thinking and time management skills.

Learn the correct study skills and academic content from Singapore’s leading private tuition agency.

While learning the content is very important to scoring higher grades, the attitude of tutors and their students plays a major role.

As Singapore’s leading private tuition agency, we are particularly careful about compatibility, because your child has no time to waste when you want to prepare him or her for better academic performance.

The Best In Singapore has a team of qualified tutors who specialize in teaching university and polytechnic level modules, for undergraduate students who need private tuition and are studying at NUS, NTU, SMU and universities with a presence in Singapore.

We are able to recommend the ideal tutor to you because the The Best In Singapores in Singapore have joined our team.

The Best In Singapore is Singapore’s largest private tuition agency.

Copyright © The Best In Singapore

Tutors: Please ensure that you have registered at

We are not able to accept any tutor registrations through this Hire Tutors form. Thank you.

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